So earlier this week or last week, Jacqui (♥) over at
Things aren't the same anymore and
The Vents made a very good point. Letters are a thing that people do at this time of year twelve. They feel like everything is coming to an end and they should have something big and important to say... And I suppose to some extent that's true. In fact, for most of you who have done this, whether now, or another year, or will in the future, or kinda wanted to but didn't in the end, that's probably true. Personally.... I just have things to say that I'm too afraid to share... There's some of you who don't even know how important you are to me... And I don't know if I'm ready for that to come out :P In any case... Here we go again...
My next batch of letters is on their way. But it's long. So sucks to be you all reading through them I suppose... Anywho, they'll be up here soon.
YAY I got a mention and I get to read letters :D