Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lactose (Dear so and so...)

noun, sugar that occurs in milk (are we almost done with milk?)

So... I think it's letters time again... just because there are a few that i have to get out. even if i'm not sure whether the people i'm writing to even read this anymore (in fact idk if anyone does...) and even though i know at least one of them *cant* read this anymore. But we're not going back to the 30 day challenge cos that got too hard and blegh and pointless. Lol....... I'm not meant to say 'lol' in a blog am I? meh...

Hey you,
It's a bad thing, isn't it? That I feel worse about falling asleep on you when you needed someone, that I'm more worried you may hate me, than I am about losing the one person who has been a constant in my life for eighteen years.

I am sorry. I really am. And I love you. And you mean the world to me. You really do. One of only a small handful of people who come into that category. And that isn't going to change. Nothing can change that.

I still have your letter. It just got caught between someone I just invented, who i really am and who I've become.
You're a dick.
I don't feel bad anymore.
What you did was wrong. And I've finally accepted that it wasn't my fault.
Time for you to stop haunting me now.

Hey Babe...
You have nothing to worry about. I know you'll never ever believe me. But you don't. Nothing.
And I love you. I love you so much.
♥ ♥

I don't know how to tell you what I want to tell you.
And I don't think you care or want to listen anyway.
I'm pretty sure you don't read this in any case...
Bevwhugdb zdv ixq. L zdqw brx wr olnh ph. Eholhyh lw ru qrw, l olnh brx.

Iknowhowitfeels. Ihavethesame. Youwouldn'tknowthat... But... Weareoneandthesameinmanyways. IwishIcouldtellyouthat. ButIcant.
I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Write me one? xx

    Love choo.

    P.S. Gilmore marathon after Year 12 ::)
