noun, one set of horizontal bars fixed between two vertical ones and used for climbing up and down.
"if you love someone let them go, and if they come back they are truly yours if not it was never meant to be"
I saw this today. Someone had posted it as their status on Facebook. And we all know that I spend too many hours browsing facebook waiting for something interesting to happen even though I know that it never does, and even though I have far more important work to be doing.
anyway... it made me sad. because i think that that if you love someone that much then you have to hang onto them with all you have. You can't let go and say 'if he/she loves me he/she will come back for me.' Because fact of the matter is that if you test this, most of the time, you're only going to lose out, and lose them. And it's nobody's fault but yours.
if you love someone, and i mean really love someone, you should do everything you can to keep them in your life. Because it is more important to love and be loved than to test people's word. If someone says they love me I take it at face value. If i say I love someone I mean it. I may sound like i throw it around a lot. But i never want the people i love to forget it. Ever.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you love someone, things won't always be perfect. No relationship can be. I mean, we're only human. We all screw up. Some lie, some cheat, some break at the first sign of trouble. Some, like me, are far too needy. Yeh, I know I am. None of us are perfect. So no relationship will be without problems. I know that each and every one of you have been through a hard time in your life before. And if you haven't, believe me; it's going to come. I'm sure that you've all felt at one stage that you cant go on. And then you've found some hope. There's always ALWAYS hope. No matter how bad things get. Get up in the morning and be grateful for the sunshine or the rain. You may not be perfect. You may not be who you want to be. He/she may not be perfect. And you might not be perfect together. but if you love someone and they make you happy, make you smile, if they brighten your day or make you a better person... hold onto them.
those who are strongest are those who do not run at the first sign of trouble. those who are strongest are willing to got the hard yards. Because honestly, if you're not willing to put in any effort, good luck maintaining any form of friendship or relationship more than a month. But more than anything, be with who makes you happy. and stay. make it work. if its worth it you'll work it out.

So here's to never forgetting.
Here's to being young, acting like a high schooler, and never wanting to grow up.
Here's to wishes at 11.11.
Here's to change, both good and bad.
Here's to missing the people you care about.
Here's to moving on.
Here's to all the words we never said.
Here's to every tear you've wasted on people that didn't care.
Here's to hard work.
Here's to nights spent living in the moment.
Here's to pumping Lady Gaga as loudly as possible coming out of private school car parks so that those bitches know we're hub scum.
Here's to late night Maccas runs.
Here's to the songs that make you hurt like nothing else.
Here's to those nights we've cried ourselves to sleep.
Here's to life, as hard is it may be, and picking ourselves up even though we've falling a million times and will only fall a million more.
Here's to us. Because we're almost out the other side. We've almost made it now.
Here's to the hard times that make us stronger.
Here's to love.