i currently feel completely lost. i'm almost wondering if i should start an anonymous blog. because there are things going through my head that i dont want anyone to know. because there are things going through my head that i dont even understand.

i feel sad again.
i feel like everything is pointless.... i have nothing to aim for anymore.
full of uncertainty.
i like to know what is going to happen. i hate uncertainty. i hate not knowing where i'll be next year, what i'll be doing.
until now it's been so clear, so straight forward... 'this year i was in grade ___, next year i will be in grade ___.' But this time.............. This year i completed grade twelve and my high school education... Next year I will be.............................................
- bachelor of behavioural science
- bachelor of education
- bachelor of arts
- working
maybe not even any of those...
well, working regardless i suppose...
i hate not knowing. i hate knowing that everything is changing. everything will be different. i dont have the safety of school anymore. i know that i was so eager to get out while i was there. and dont get me wrong, i still dont want to go back. but i hate knowing that everything is changing... and im scared.
scared of not knowing.
scared of everything changing.
scared of what might happen.
scared of losing myself... although i fear i may already have done that.
i dont like this person... the person i fear i am now. someone with a short temper, always angry or upset, never happy, always hurting people or making them angry or something... i've become someone i wouldn't want to be around.
i hated you needlessly and for that im sorry.
i hated you for a reason, but im done now. you can be that way, but i'm not going to hate you anymore.
you hated me without even knowing me, refused to give me a chance... all i can ask is that maybe you reconsider.
i dont know whats wrong with me. but something isnt right.
Leish...I know that next year will be scary. I know the feeling of uncertainty well, not knowing if you'll enjoy your uni course, not even knowing if you'll get in....but there's also excitement in it. Think of it as a journey, things will be different and new, but they'll be good as well. And just remember, you will always, ALWAYS, have your friends to share those experiences with and help you through them :) <3