Thursday, June 17, 2010

Labium. (Gosh darn it Jacqui, you were right.. I'd forgotten about this one...)

noun, each fold of skin of the two pairs enclosing the vulva.

So I'm now thinking my whole 'L' idea is not so great :p In any case, it's kinda funny :P

So. In the past twenty four hours, I have come to the conclusion that I am a jealous bitch and more paranoid than I should be about things... But I shouldn't talk about that here.

Just so you know... I'm sorry everything changed, and I'm sorry we drifted apart. But I guess it's been for the best for you. You wouldn't have what you have now if you hadn't sacrificed our relationship.



  1. again... i know what you mean love. i think, coz it seems like the kinda thing i can think of :S

    i hope there are dirtier words, get more and more awkward, guess that shelf of dictionaries is coming in handy :K

    p.s. i'm not sure i like MY name in the same line as THAT word :P

    p.p.s. everyone's a jealous paranoid bitch, they just dont notice:D

  2. hehe oops sorry! i'd change it but i cbf. and yeah but... im bad...

  3. nah i put up with it... buts its weird lol

    everyones BAD!!! bad ass lol nah chillax sweet coz you gotta know thats you aint never been or will be the worst and that its human to be negative :) love you love
